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Title I and School Advisory Committee (SAC) Information
2024 - 2025

Meeting Dates & Times

All meetings will be on Thursdays at 3:30pm in our Media Center!

These dates will also be on our OMES calendar! Dates are subject to change; notice will be provided in advance.  

News & Info for SAC

School Advisory Committee (SAC) School Improvement Plan:

Please review our School Improvement Plan throughout the years. The 2023-2024 School Improvement Plan is currently available. The 2024-2025 SIP is awaiting approval and will be available shortly. Please attend SAC meetings to provide input or to ask questions. Click here to access our School Improvement Plan. 

SAC Informational Flyer

Meet our 2023-2024 SAC Parent Liaison:

I would like to introduce myself. I am Alice Flores, mother to five girls with three attending Otis A. Mason Elementary (4th grade, 2nd grade, 1st grade, and two littles at preschool). I am very excited and honored to be serving as your Parent Liaison in the School Advisory Council (SAC)! This is my third year on SAC offering a parent’s perspective to the school improvement plan (SIP), end of year parent-teacher survey and fund distribution.

I will attend our monthly meetings on your behalf addressing any questions or concerns anonymously. For select months, we are featuring expert guest speakers in a variety of capacities to present important topics impacting our community. Some subject matter is vital to the growth of our children but highly sensitive.

We provide childcare in a separate area during those meetings. This speaker series proved to be very successful last year. It is just another way Otis Mason provides resources and community to our families.

We strongly encourage you to join SAC. We strive for transparency, open communication and unity. I am also eager to receive any feedback so we may improve your educational experience. Your voice is heard and your voice matters!

You may email me at anytime at [email protected].

Alice Flores, SAC Parent Liaison

A Word From Our 2023-2024 SAC Chair, Ms. Taylor Johnson

Meet our SAC Chair:

Hello! My name is Taylor Johnson and I am a 4th grade teacher here at Mason Elementary. This is my first year teaching in St. John’s county. I immediately felt at home when I started teaching at Mason and knew right away that I wanted to be involved. I am honored to serve as SAC Chair and work towards continuous improvement and growth at our school. By joining SAC you are letting your voice be heard, you are involved in the school improvement process and you gain a sense of belonging to your school and school community! I look forward to working alongside you and making decisions that benefit our students’ future! 

Ms. Taylor Johnson

SAC Chair/4th Grade Teacher

Meet our Secretary:

Hi! I’m Devin Schneider, your new SAC secretary for 2023-2024 school year! This is my second year in SAC and I’m excited to step into this new role! I have two daughters, one that attends Otis Mason in 4th grade and one that just entered Gamble Rogers in 6th grade. My ties to Otis Mason started when I was in 2nd grade and asked to break ground for a new elementary school in St. Augustine. That elementary school was Otis A. Mason. I was manatee from grade 2-5 and it’s pretty incredible to watch my children walk the same halls I did, with some of the SAME educators still teaching!! I look forward to working with other teachers and parents on the School Advisory Committee this year.

Devin Schneider

SAC Secretary

Meet our Treasurer:

Hi, I’m Kim Edwards, a local mother of five children ranging from preschool to high school (with a 4th grader and 3rd grader at OMES) and an active member of the school community. I look forward to serving as the Treasurer of SAC for the second year in a row. My role as the SAC Treasurer allows me to contribute my financial knowledge and skills to support the school’s initiatives and programs. My attention to detail and record-keeping effectively helps me manage the finances, ensuring transparency and accountability. In addition to my involvement with SAC, I also serve as the Treasurer of PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). This streamlines communication and funding dispersement throughout Otis Mason and unifies the two organizations. We are excited about the upcoming year and look forward to seeing new faces!

Kim Edwards

SAC Treasurer

Previous SAC Meeting Minutes and Agendas by Date