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Testing Information

       Otis A. Mason Progress Monitoring 

 F.A.S.T. Proctors Needed:
  • All F.A.S.T. Proctors MUST be approved volunteers with SJCSD. Please complete a volunteer application, prior to signing up to be a F.A.S.T. Proctor. Click Here!
  • Interested in volunteering as a Proctor? Sign-up TODAY!
What standards will be monitored? 
Please refer to your child’s SJCSD Curriculum Map to see which standards are taught by grade level and subject.

Do you have a Kindergarten through 3rd Grade student that has been identified as having a deficiency in reading? If so, please access our Read-At-Home Plan Resources which will assist your family:

*** If your student has an IEP or 504 that requires small group testing, please ask your student’s teacher for their testing day as it may vary from the schedule listed. 

We need YOUR help!

Interested in becoming a test proctor?

It’s easy!

  1. Review the presentation.
  2. Sign and return Security Agreement.
  3. Sign-up to proctor!

ONLY approved volunteers may be proctors. Please call us to check on your volunteer status at 904-547-8440.

See below for Testing Dates

How do I access my child's test results?
The Family Portal is your guide to all State of Florida test results!

The results of your child’s progress monitoring can be found using Home Access Center (HAC).

Log in to HAC and, under the Registration Tab copy your child’s unique Access Code and then paste it into the Family Portal (shown on the right).

Look for the results of all three rounds of progress monitoring from year to year in order to gauge your child’s growth in ELA and Math. Tests are conducted in August, December, and May of every school year to track your child’s learning. See below for how to interpret your child’s test results.

Free at-home book delivery program!

FREE 24/7 Online Tutoring Resource Now Available to ALL students!

SJCSD Families,

We are excited to provide a free year-round online resource for your elementary student. Your child will see a link in Clever located at the bottom of their Clever page under Teacher Resources for Varsity Tutors where they can take advantage of powerful learning resources at no cost. Please click on the links below for more information.

How do I interpret my child's results?

Please see below for Frequently asked questions regarding how to read the scale score of the F.A.S.T. Progress Monitoring. Link here for the PDF:

B.E.S.T. Scale for F.A.S.T. Pages 1-4

Or please see the images below: