Mrs. Keaton Principal
Mrs. Hudson Assistant Principal
Ms. Antoine Assistant Principal
Mrs. LaBello Secretary/Bookkeeper
Administrative Team
Nurse Jewell Website
Mr. Bowen Facilities Manager, Maintenance Coordinator
Mrs. Leseganich Cafeteria Manager, Food & Nutrition Manager, Website
Mrs. Latham School Counselor (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
Mrs. Ribeiro School Counselor (Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays), Website
Mrs. Kirsimagi Behavior Interventionist
Ms. Deb Mercurio Technical Support Specialist
Mrs. Hunting Instructional Literacy Coach
Mrs. Jaffa Instructional Literacy Coach
Mrs. Roberts Computer Operator, Registrar, Website
Extended Day/Pre-K Team
Mrs. Stevens Extended Day Coordinator, Website
Mrs. Hutcheson Extended Day Aide
Ms. Gatchell Extended Day Aide
Ms. E. Roman Extended Day Aide
Ms. Dunkle-Dawson Extended Day Aide
For security reasons, obtain teacher emails from HAC or their classroom newsletter. Teacher emails are not available here.
Curriculum Maps by subject and grade are available here.
Multi-Aged, Self-Contained ESE Classroom Teams:
Mrs. Damron
Ms. Charles- Support
Mrs. Sabri
Ms. Baas- Support
Mrs. Urbanek
Ms. Butler- Support
Ms. Manchester -Support
Pre-Kindergarten Team
Ms. Burchfield
Ms. Sartain- Support
Mrs. Piercy
Ms. Roman- Support
Mr. Ross
Mrs. Hale- Support
Kindergarten Team
Ms. Babineau
Mrs. Hanson
Mrs. Lepera
Ms. Lois
Ms. Nichols
Associate Teacher-Mrs. DeLuna
Mrs. Strauss
Associate Teacher- Mrs. Gibbons
Ms. Jansen-Kindergarten Tutor
First Grade Team
Mrs. Austin
Mrs. Miller
Mrs. Sellers
Mrs. Tanner
Ms. Ana Vazquez
Ms. Angelina Vazquez
Mrs. Villarreal
Ms. Donohue- 1st Grade Tutor
Second Grade Team
Ms. Eggert
Ms. Jones
Ms. Sadler
Ms. Tatman
Ms. Taylor
Ms. Van Der Bunt-2nd Grade Tutor
Third Grade Team
Ms. Singletary
Ms. Cunningham
Ms. Mercurio
Mrs. Nguyen
Associate Teacher: Mrs. Grant
Ms. Sebag
Mrs. Saullo
Ms. White
Fourth Grade Team
Ms. Sweat
Mrs. Jaffa
Mrs. Johnson
Mrs. Kosofsky
Ms. Noel
Mrs. Tedder
Mrs. Ziegenfuss
Fifth Grade Team
Mrs. Barricklow
Mrs. Byrd
Mr. Fairchild
Mr. Gonzalez
Mrs. Jaffa
Mrs. Steen
Mrs. Thompson, Teacher Website
Mrs. Bendt- 5th Grade Tutor
Resource Team
Mrs. Allen Media Specialist, Website
Mrs. Leonard, Media Support
Mrs. Herrron Music Education
Coach Burnley Physical Education
Coach Hollister Physical Education
Ms. Grossholz Computer Lab
Ms. Kaminaris Computer Lab
Ms. Counts-Cacchione Art Education
Exceptional Student Education Department
Mrs. Shields Speech Language Pathologist
Ms. Arnold Speech Language Pathologist
Mrs. Buening Speech Language Evaluator
Mrs. Sikes ESE
Mr. Thomas ESE
Ms. Fallica ESE
Ms. L. Taylor ESE
Mrs. Hayes ESE
Mrs. Lebon ESE Support
Support Team
Mrs. McManus Front Desk Reception
Mrs. Waler Guidance/LEA Clerk
Ms. Adams Behavior Intervention Support
Mrs. Carberry Deaf and Hard of Hearing Itinerant
Mrs. Whitlock Physical Therapy
Ms. Howe Occupational Therapy
Ms. Lubin Social Worker
Mrs. Hancock School Psychologist
Mrs. Yee Kee Vision Impairment Itinerant
Meet our Manatee, Whiskers!