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Icon representing person reading book Parental Choice Library Book Restriction Form
Parents may utilize this form to restrict titles their child may check out in the school library. Please complete the form and return it to your child's teacher or librarian. This form is only required when a parent is seeking to restrict access to materials in the media center.

We are open every morning from 8:00am until 8:45am for daily student access. Students can check out a new book and/or take an AR quiz during this time.

Click here to reach our Card Catalog. We offer over 7,000 books.
Accelerated Reader
AR is available from the Mason campus, 8:00am until 4:00 pm on school days.

5th Grade Book Study: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

Tuck Everlasting Novel Study – Starting January 6th: We will be starting a novel study on the book Tuck Everlasting AFTER winter break, in January. In the past, many students have liked to purchase their own copy of the novel so that they could write in it, highlight, underline, etc. If you would like to purchase the book for your child, there is a link to the book below. It is available at many locations like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Scholastic. We will have copies for students to use, but I know many like to have their own copy. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions! Tuck Everlasting

Free Local Resources at your public library!

Don’t forget that the St. Johns County Public Library is here for you! Check out their website for book clubs, story times, and resources that are all FREE to you!