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Students use Clever to access Schoology, Office 365, and other links for students. For online textbooks, students in grades K-5 use Clever.

As a reminder, all adults on our campus must have a background check (completed School Access Form-link above). There are no exceptions. Background checks are good for three years at any school in the district. Please do NOT reapply, if you have already been approved (received a yellow badge). Simply call us in the Front Office to renew your check. 

Mason's Got Talent this Friday:

Picture Day Rescheduled to 3/28

Long-sleeve OMES spirit shirts are on sale now! Check out the PTO Facebook page to place an order or check out the PTO section of our website.

Spring Individual Photos will be Friday March 28th. Due to rain on the originally scheduled date, we have to reschedule these outdoor photos. Thank you for understanding.  For questions regarding your order, please contact Leonard’s Photography directly.

Donation Drive Going on NOW!

It feels good to do good! Come and join our “Movers for Moms” initiative, brought to you by our incredible Student Council! We are collecting the following NEW items for families in shelters:

  •  Personal items: hair needs, dental needs, personal hygiene needs, feminine hygiene needs, undergarments.
  • Grocery Items: Non-perishable canned and boxed goods or grocery store gift cards. 
  •  Baby Items: Diapers, formula, clothing
  • Cleaning and Paper Supplies: Paper plates, napkins, toilet paper, paper towels, plastic silverware.

Your Input is Needed: Parent Needs Assessment Survey due 3/28

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our school Otis A. Mason, and provide the best learning environment for our students, the School Advisory Council (SAC) is requesting your valuable input. Please take a few moments to complete the “Parent Needs Assessment Survey” to share your thoughts and feedback with us. If you mark no on any of your questions, please use the comment box to explain your reasoning. Your insights are crucial in shaping decisions that impact our students, staff, and overall school community. The survey is anonymous and should take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete. The deadline to submit your responses is March 28th. Thank you for your time and dedication to our school and students! If you have any questions regarding the survey, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Jaffa or Mrs. Johnson.

Upcoming SJCSD Events:

Goodwill Bag-it-Up Donation Drive this April

What a GREAT way to do some GOOD! Donate your spring cleaning items to our school this April and earn money for our school! Goodwill will be here April 10th to help collect household items for donation. 15 bins or more earns our school $2,500!

Volunteers Needed and Appreciated

Now Enrolling: New VPK & Kindergarten Students

Now enrolling NEW students for the 2025-2026 school year! Enroll your Kindergartener TODAY!

Click here to enroll a new student

Returning Student Verification is coming this April!

For all of our current Manatees returning next school year, the Returning Student Verification Form is coming! Please check your email this April to complete yours. In addition, please make sure that your email is up-to-date in our system. The RSV helps us prepare our school for next year and will help keep your records in order for the next school year as well. Thank you for your help with this!

SJCSD Superintendent Search

Have you heard? The St. Johns County School District is searching for a new Superintendent of Schools. The application window is open until March 28th. To apply or to view current applicants, check out the SJCSD Superintendent Search Website:

Superintendent Search – St. Johns County School District

There are lots of ways to provide your input regarding the search! Check out the above website for documents and a timeline related to the search. In addition, there are board workshops and community input opportunities for every member of our community to participate.

St. Johns Police Athletic League Sports and Camps

St. Johns PAL has several sports and camps available. Check out their website for more information.

Volleyball and Tackle Football registration coming soon!

March: Celebrate Women's History Month and the Pillar of Trustworthiness

RJ Murray Middle Dance Team Auditions

Attention 5th Graders: are you interested in joining the RJMMS Dance Team? 

Auditions on Saturday, April 12th 9-12 noon at 4425 US 1 South. Questions? Email Coach Ka’Dee at [email protected].

*You do not have to be a Murray student to participate!

Will you be in 6th grade next year? Are you interested in an incredible summer camp opportunity? Marine Science Camp may be for YOU!

The Gamble Rogers Marine Science Summer Camp is for students who will be in 6th, 7th, or 8th grades next school year. There are two sessions open between June 3rd and June 26th. Please check out their website for more information on this amazing program:

GRMS Marine Science Summer Program

Florida Prepaid Open Enrollment

Florida Prepaid Open Enrollment Begins with Plan Prices Starting at Just $29/Month

Focused on encouraging families to save as early and affordably as possible, our partner Florida Prepaid College Savings Plans has reduced Prepaid Plan monthly prices for newborns and infants to the lowest in more than a decade. Prepaid Plans allow families to lock in the cost of college with fixed monthly payments.  A risk-free 1-year University Plan now starts at just $29/month for the Prepaid Plan Open Enrollment period from February 1 – April 30, 2025. The reduced prices result in savings of up to $850 per plan for a 1-Year University Plan – up to $3,400 in savings for four years.

Prepaid Plans are made to fit growing families:

  • Use in-state or nationwide at public, private, trade and technical schools
  • Complements scholarships and financial aid
  • Transfer to another student or cancel anytime
  • Earnings grow tax-free

Every child deserves higher education. Florida Prepaid’s goal is to make it possible for every Florida family to save simply and affordably. Learn more at

Where YOUR Character Counts!

A la escuela de Otis A. Mason, se habla espanol. Si necessitas hablar con un membiero de este escuela en espanol, llamanos, por favor, a 904-547-8440. 

Core Values

Our Mission

At Mason Elementary, we believe student success is fostered by a continuous commitment to improvement, which ensures well-rounded and motivated learners. We do this by maintaining a safe and dynamic learning environment, promoting high expectations for all students, nurturing determination, developing personal relationships, and involving our community.

Our Vision

The “Mason Way” is one that nurtures a passion in every child for personal success, good character, and a desire to learn, explore, and better themselves as they grow to be responsible members of our community.


School Information:

Office Hours: 
M-F 7:55am–3:45pm
*Summer Hours: M-Th
Main Office: (904) 547-8440
Main Fax: (904) 547-8445 
Registration Fax: (904) 547-8448
Clinic: (904) 547-8444
Registration: (904) 547-8436

School Hours:

  • Arrival – 8:00am
  • Classes Begin –8:25am
  • Dismissal
    • 2:45pm – Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
    • 1:45pm – Wed (Early Release)

Policies & Procedures

Attendance & Tardies

Attendance is extremely important for students to be successful at our school. It is also important that students arrive at school on time, and ready to learn! Parents are encouraged to utilize school bus transportation. Daily drop off begins at 8:00am. Families should utilize the parent drop off line and remain in the car until school staff are outside to welcome students for the day (after 8 am). If your child arrives after 8:25am, you will need to come inside the school to sign them in.

Absences from School

If your child is absent from school, a parent/guardian must turn in a written signed note or a doctor’s note within 48 hours for the absence to be considered excused, upon the students return to school. Phone calls will not be accepted. We appreciate your support.

Early Dismissal & Dismissal Changes

  • For the safety of all students, children may not be checked out of school after 2:15pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday and 1:15pm on Wednesday.
  • If you need to change the way your child goes home in the afternoon or for an early dismissal, please complete our Dismissal Change Request Form. Handwritten notes are no longer accepted. 
  • Please Note: Early Dismissals – We do not send children to the front office until you have arrived and shown your photo ID to the front office staff. Dismissal Changes – Can only be accepted before 2:10pm (1:10pm on Wednesdays).
  • We cannot accept phone calls for those changes. Changes in afternoon transportation should only be for emergency situations. Thank you for your understanding. 

School News & Events

Support Our School

Join Otis Mason PTO! It’s a new school year, join us! JOIN HERE!

Plan for upcoming projects and activities with PTO. If you have any questions, please email us!

Visit PTO webpage HERE!

Mason Manatee Memo for Monthly School News & Events:

Head Start

St. Johns County School District Head Start provides a free pre-school program and comprehensive health and social services to eligible three- and four-year-old children and their families living in St. Johns County. Head Start is for income eligible families, proof of income is required.

School District News

"Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future" Virtual Discussion on April 2

Please join us on April 2, 2025, from 6pm to 7:30pm for a virtual discussion titled "Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future: SafeTrak Program, CARD Safety Kits for Families, & Diamond of Dreams Initiative." This informative session is designed for parents of students with disabilities. Learn about key programs and resources aimed at enhancing safety and inclusion for your child.

Learn more about this event

Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future Flyer

FortifyFL App

FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or

Florida school districts are now required by the FLDOE to make a FortifyFL Training Presentation available to parents and guardians.